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Submit a Specific Pest or Disease Report

If you are confident you know what the pest or disease is then please use one of the specific pest or disease reports below. These will take you through a set of questions that will attempt to confirm (or not) the pest or disease and gather more information specific to the selected pest or disease.

If you are unsure of what you have seen, or think you have seen a pest or disease that does not appear on the list below, then please submit a general report.

Chalara Dieback of Ash

Chalara Dieback of Ash

Chalara dieback is a serious disease of ash trees caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (the asexual stage of which is known as Chalara fraxinea). Infection by the fungus causes leaf loss and crown dieback in a range of ash species, and the disease is frequently fatal.
Dothistroma Needle Blight

Dothistroma Needle Blight

Dothistroma Needle Blight (DNB) is a fungal disease of pine trees that has very occasionally been found on other conifers.
Acute Oak Decline

Acute Oak Decline

Acute oak decline is an emerging disease of oak trees which was first observed in the UK late in the 20th century. It can kill oak trees within four to six years of the onset of symptoms.
Phytophthora lateralis

Phytophthora lateralis

Phytophthora lateralis is a pathogen which generally attacks and kills the roots of certain trees, although aerial infections of branches and foliage also occur.
Asian Longhorn Beetle or Citrus Longhorn Beetle

Asian Longhorn Beetle or Citrus Longhorn Beetle

Asian longhorn beetle and Citrus longhorn beetle are closely related and very similar looking beetles with highly damaging wood boring larvae.
Oak Processionary Moth

Oak Processionary Moth

The caterpillars of Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) are pests of oak trees and a hazard to human and animal health.