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You do not have to create an account to submit a report. However, registering with us is very quick and easy.

By registering with us it means we can remember your contact details and the other information you provided to help speed up the process of making future reports.

Registering also gives you access to a personalised Tree Alert dashboard with the ability to review any previous reports you have made.

Password must include:

  • At least one lower case letter
  • At least one upper case letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character
  • Minimum length of 12 characters
Please indicate your level of knowledge / experience * (required)

By selecting which group or organisation best represents your affiliation (if any), it will help us to monitor the number of reports submitted on behalf of those groups.

If you are submitting a report in response to a specific project or campaign, please select it from this drop-down list. If you are not, or are unsure, please leave this field as 'Not Specified'.

Forest Research is committed to the responsible handling and security of personal data. Your privacy is important to us and is protected in law through the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) 2018. Any information you give us will be processed in a manner which meets the requirement of the Act.

Any personal information relating to you or the landowner will only be used by authorised colleagues whilst any investigation is ongoing. Where the tree health information that you have provided are used in wider tree health analyses, modelling or mapping, they will be anonymised before use. Photographs submitted as part of this TreeAlert can be used by Forest Research and other tree health colleagues for tree health investigations, research, communication, education and training purposes. By submitting this TreeAlert, you are accepting the terms set out in these statements.

Our volunteers are all signatories of a data sharing agreement and will not pass on your details to any third party without your prior agreement. By registering, you are accepting the terms set out in this statement.