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Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service (THDAS)

Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service (THDAS) investigate problems concerning pests and diseases in:

  • Woodlands in both public and private ownership.
  • Trees on farmland, in hedgerows, shelterbelts and screens.
  • Christmas tree plantations.
  • Trees in nurseries.
  • Publicly or privately owned amenity trees.

There is a flat rate charge for the initial investigation which in many cases may be all that is needed to resolve the problem. Additional work, which may involve culturing from specimens, molecular identification or a site visit, will incur additional charges but will not be undertaken without the prior agreement of the customer.

THDAS offer an Identification Service for:

  • Fungal fruit-bodies.
  • Insects causing damage to trees

Normally the replies in these cases are limited to the names of the organisms concerned and the activity of the organism identified.

For more information about the services and the current charges please visit the Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service Charges page.

For more information on collecting and dispatching specimens for diagnosis please visit the Advice on how to take and package samples

Please fill in the next pages as far as possible as this will greatly improve our ability to provide a quick diagnosis of the problem. Please note that some fields are mandatory.

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