Welcome to TreeAlert
Report suspected tree pests and diseases found anywhere in GB
There will be a period of scheduled maintenance on Thursday 13th February between 07:00 and 09:00. Service may be impacted during this time.
Forest Research is the research agency of the Forestry Commission and Great Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree-related research. We are internationally renowned for the provision of science, research, evidence, data and services in support of sustainable forestry.
Within Forest Research, the Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service provides advice and where possible diagnosis and identification of tree pests and diseases.
Tree Alert is used to gather information about tree health issues across Great Britain. This information supports important tree health monitoring and surveillance work, contributes to ongoing scientific research, and helps to protect the nation's trees.
Tree Health Reports

How to submit a report

What we do with your reports

Pests and Diseases
Submit a Report

General Report

Pest or Disease Specific Reports

Diagnosis Service
If you own or manage trees you can request a diagnosis of a pest or disease problem. This may be a chargeable service.
More information is available on the Forest Research THDAS page.
Latest News

New biosecurity resource available on Forest Research Climate Change Hub
Top tips on how to develop a biosecurity action plan are now available from the Forest Research Climate Change Hub*, providing landowners and managers with the latest information on how to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful pests and pathogens.

TreeAlert launches new user dashboard
TreeAlert has launched a new dashboard that gives registered users access to two years of TreeAlert reports as searchable lists, charts and map views.

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Useful Links
Note that some of these links are to external websites for which Forest Research is not responsible for the content. The inclusion of a link to a third party website should not be understood as an endorsement.